People with pathetic pettiness

All it takes is one cranky customer to change the dining room dynamics and everyone suffers.

I am a little lost for words this week but given my strong emotions, I’m sure it won’t take me long to find some to string together.

The audacity of some people continues to blow my mind.

So, like every other Sunday, I’m at my favourite café.

People are sitting down for breakfast with their people, talking, laughing and making their own special contribution to a cozy atmosphere.

Staff are welcoming, respectful and attentive like always, even when it gets busy.

Things are great and then in walks a rude dude with a one star attitude.

Embarrassingly impolite to staff (especially the younger ones), let’s fly about a Sunday surcharge far beyond their control, and just generally a walking kaleidoscope of complaints that shattered the peaceful pleasant atmosphere.

He then proceeded to order despite being disgruntled about the surcharge and total.

Then went further to seek out a table to dine in and was thoughtful enough to set aside time out of his ‘busy’ day to sit there and leave a poor Google review.

Personally, this level of pettiness baffles me.

There’s nothing constructive about it, it’s just pathetic destructive behaviour that there is absolutely no excuse for.

If you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, you should have stayed there.

The cost of living has sparked a sinister ripple affect that immensely impacts our local businesses too.

They have to do what they can to pay for the ingredients that bring together our beautiful drinks and meals.

They have to do what they can to pay staff wages and the plethora of bills just like everyone else.

They sincerely appreciate customers’ understanding during these tough times and honestly, if you can’t show that understanding, then go the heck home and make your own breakfast. It’s really that simple.

Hospitality and retail in particular are some of the most thankless industries, so I feel very protective of the staff doing their best to give everyone a pleasant dining experience.

All it takes is one cranky customer to change the dining room dynamics and everyone suffers.

Don’t be that person.

Rude people don’t deserve to be served.

A respectful environment is an enjoyable environment, for staff members as well as the customers.