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Bidding remains strong on lighter yarding at CQLX

CQLX Combined Agents saw a reduced yarding of 1,570 head this week, consisting of 782 Steers, 527 Heifers, 190 Cows, 50 Cows and Calves...

Vicious predator inspires fear

Just about a week ago, a movement going past our kitchen window, caught my attention. I moved out to where I could see where it...


CQ Today social photographer Brendan Kirkman was out Saturday 14 October for Oktoberfest. See if you were snapped!

New committee going strong

It’s been just over a month since our AGM and our new committee has already met twice! We’re looking at some big updates over...

What are your thoughts on the referendum outcome?

1) Josh. It’s disappointing that the propaganda of voting no has skewed the views of the majority of Australians. 2) Robert. I think the money spent on...

This might ring a Bell

Last Sunday morning the monthly Emu Park Lions Club Markets were held at leafy Bell Park. The park will also be the site for...

Rocky’s flower fest

I believe that when planning home gardens, it is always good to look around for those flowering shrubs, groundcovers and climbers, for future garden...

Jag club donates to CapRescue

When JDCQ Capricornia Register decided to pass around the hat for a worthwhile cause, careful consideration was given to the particular needs of the...

Busy times for Gracemere RSL

While Gracemere and District RSL Sub Branch is what is referred to as a traditional sub branch, it enjoys a symbiotic relationship with (the...

Pinefest parade continues

Yeppoon Lions Pinefest street parade was so exciting we needed to run the photos across two editions of CQ Today. Enjoy.

It’s dry, dry, dry

After a brief stay on the Sunshine coast with the odd shower to green the area and the pristine beaches. Arrived back in Rocky...

Lunching with OAMs

The Central Queensland branch of the Order of Australia Association held a luncheon at the Frenchville Sports Cub on Monday, 9 October and CQ...

News in Brief

Car park closures Due to the recent rain events in North Queensland, Rockhampton Regional Council expects the Fitzroy River’s height to increase marginally over the...