CQLX Combined Agents saw 1,895 head on offer this week consisting of 1,316 Steers, 405 Heifers, 131 Cows, 28 Cows and Calves and 15 Bulls.
Several coastal lines came to hand which met with good competition.
Cows and Ox were firm and overall, the market was firm on last week’s rates.
Cattle were drawn from Proserpine in the North, Calliope in the South and all local areas in between.
Wildman Partnership, Gogango Sold Brangus Cross Steers for 275c/kg, weighing 556kg to return $1,530/hd
W Lawrence, Alton Downs Sold Senepol Steers for 280c/kg weighing 528kg to return $1,480/hd
Pineview Park, Walkerston Sold No.1 Brangus X/Droughtmaster Steers for 290c/kg weighing 416kg to return $1135/hd
GMB Training, Proserpine Sold Droughtmaster Cross Steers for 286c/kg weighing 408kg to return $1,168/hd
Tarcoola Pastoral Co, Lawgi-Dawes Sold Shorthorn X Weaner Steers for 360c/kg weighing 283kg to return $1,022/hd
SA Desbois, Mt Ossa Sold Brangus Weaner Steers for 360c/kg, weighing 265kg to return $957/hd
Coorumburra Rural Enterprises, Marlborough Sold Brangus Cows for 227c/kg, weighing 486kg to return $1,105/hd
GMB Training, Proserpine Sold Brahman Cross Heifers for 246c/kg weighing 382kg to return $942/hd
JJ and JE Dahl, Baralaba Sold Droughtmaster Heifers for 222c/kg weighing 346kg to return $768/hd
M and B Harris, Bajool Sold Brangus Weaner Heifers for 258c/kg, weighing 281kg to return $726/hd
Tarcoola Pastoral Co, Lawgi-Dawes, Sold Hereford Cross Weaner Heifers for 274c/kg weighing 242kg to return $664/hd
J Mara, Calliope Sold Brangus Cows and Calves for $1,600/unit
Next Gracemere Sale: Wednesday 23 August, Commencing at 8.30am.