AI Writes Psychosocial Content

This week Nyree Johnson asks Artificial Intelligence to write a column in her style. Picture: Supplied.

I thought I’d try something a little different this week. I can’t take full credit for the idea because Scott Pape, The Barefoot Investor, did it already.

But to bring the experience to the Rockhampton region in my own way, I asked Artificial Intelligence (AI) to write a column for me using my writing style.

The topic I chose was psychosocial hazards in the workplace legislation because it is new in Australia.

I also wanted to explore psychological first aid because, when writing this column, I’d spent the day in a course with Rockhampton Regional Council employees, representatives from the Red Cross, SES and Men’s Shed as part of my role on the LDMG (Local Disaster Management Group).

I thought the topic was fitting and would put AI to the test.

So here goes…

Instruction to AI: “Please write an 800 word column using Nyree Johnson style.

Please write this about how to use AI to write content, and the content needs to be about psychosocial hazards which is new legislation in Australia, and psychological first aid.

Easy to read, not academic.

An explanation on both.

Writing references and examples of style can be found on

Output, unedited:

Title: Harnessing the Power of AI: Unveiling the Psychosocial Hazards Legislation and Psychological First Aid.

Greetings, dear readers! Today, we delve into the exciting world of artificial intelligence and its role in crafting content that matters. In particular, we’ll explore two vital topics that have recently come into focus in Australia: the Psychosocial Hazards Legislation and the significance of Psychological First Aid.

So, buckle up, and let’s embark on a journey into the future of writing and mental health!

The AI Revolution in Content Creation In our fast-paced world, technology is evolving at lightning speed, and AI is at the forefront of this revolution.

AI systems, like the one powering this article, are trained to understand language and produce human-like text.

They can help create content on various subjects with remarkable speed and accuracy.

When it comes to complex topics like psychosocial hazards and mental health, AI can be a valuable ally in generating clear and accessible information for the public.

Psychosocial Hazards Legislation: Protecting Our Mental Health at Work Imagine a world where workplaces prioritize the mental well-being of their employees just as much as their physical safety.

Well, that’s precisely what the Psychosocial Hazards Legislation aims to achieve!

This groundbreaking legislation in Australia addresses the psychological aspects of work environments and aims to protect employees from harmful stressors.

So, what exactly are psychosocial hazards? These hazards are the aspects of work that can affect employees; mental health and well-being.

They include factors such as workload, job demands, work-related violence, bullying, and even the level of control employees have over their tasks.

By identifying and mitigating these hazards, the legislation endeavors to create healthier and more supportive work environments.

For instance, AI-generated content can help raise awareness about the legislation among workers, employers, and policymakers alike.

It can provide practical advice on recognizing psychosocial hazards and taking steps to promote better mental health at work.

With AI assistance, this information can be presented in a simple and engaging manner, making it accessible to all.

Psychological First Aid: A Helping Hand for Emotional Crises Now, let’s switch gears and talk about the significance of Psychological First Aid (PFA).

When a person faces a traumatic event or experiences a crisis, their emotional well-being may be severely impacted.

PFA is a set of principles and guidelines that can help individuals cope and recover during and after such challenging situations.

Picture this: a community member goes through a natural disaster or a tragic event, leaving them emotionally distressed.

In times like these, PFA comes into play, offering a helping hand to provide emotional support and understanding.

AI-generated content can play a vital role in disseminating information about PFA.

It can offer guidance on how to recognize signs of emotional distress, lend a compassionate ear, and provide practical tips on how to offer support.

With the widespread availability of such information, more people can become equipped to respond effectively and empathetically during times of crisis.

A Blend of Human Touch and AI Precision as we embrace AI as a valuable tool for content creation, it is crucial to acknowledge the significance of the human touch.

While AI can process vast amounts of information and generate content at incredible speeds, it lacks the emotional intelligence that comes naturally to humans.

When it comes to topics as sensitive as mental health, a combination of AI precision and human empathy is the recipe for success.

Let’s remember that AI can be a powerful assistant, but it can never replace the human connection required to truly understand and address psychosocial challenges.


In conclusion, we stand at the brink of a new era, where AI technology can revolutionize the way we approach writing and mental health topics.

By using AI-generated content, we can raise awareness about critical legislation such as the Psychosocial Hazards Legislation and disseminate vital information on Psychological First Aid.

However, let us not forget the essence of humanity – the power of compassion, empathy, and understanding that only fellow humans can provide.

By combining the precision of AI with the warmth of human connection, we can pave the way towards a more mentally healthy and informed society.

So, let us harness the potential of AI to propel us forward while keeping our hearts open to one another’s needs.

Together, we can build a brighter and more supportive future for mental health in Australia and beyond!