Sharing mini stories from coast

Obviously a very popular event, the 1957 Beachgirl contest on Main Beach drew big crowds. Photo courtesy R Fitzpatrick, A Connor slide.

The Capricorn Coast Historical Society has now released Volume 3 of the Mini Series books and we hope everyone enjoys these small episodes in our local history.

Often the small histories are surprisingly entertaining and enlightening. As always, there are lots of photographs, many of which have not be published before.

This edition explains the origins of Yeppoon and its early buildings and brings to life the days when Ross and Fig Tree Creeks were the centre of the busy local fishing industry.

Our iconic beach pine trees, a memorial to the young men who died in World War 1, are a source of great pride to the community. Read about the struggle to get Anzac Parade built and the avenue of pines planted.

The Morning Bulletin newspaper commented shortly after the first stage was opened; The Anzac Parade, which is now in use has opened up a new avenue of pleasure and utility to visitors and the local people. Many now wonder why we did not have this splendid asset before.

Some readers will recall hearing the name “French Peter”. An escapee from the French penal colony of New Caledonia in the 1870s, he entertained and irritated the coastal population for 20 years. Read his remarkable story here.

The challenging efforts of the Emu Park St Vincent de Paul Society to bring help and support over many years to the needy people of the area has been written by a St Vincent de Paul member.

Is there another reader somewhere in the Livingstone Shire who also has a story to tell? Our editorial group would very much like to hear from you so we can include all parts of the shire in our books. Help is available for research and writing, so contact us and we’ll get started on next year’s.

The final section is a pictorial record of activities on Yeppoon’s Main Beach since the 1880s. These lovely old photos recall how we did things back then.

Members of the CCHS will be selling the book and calendars at the Saturday markets at the Yeppoon showground, as well as our usual outlets of Nextra at Yeppoon and Card ‘n’ Paper at Stocklands in Rockhampton. These make excellent Christmas gifts.

As in previous years, our members will be at Yeppoon Central Shopping Centre from Tuesday, 3 January to Friday, 6 January with books and calendars for sale, and time to talk history to everyone who stops by. Please visit us.