This is the third sequence where we look at Honeyeaters that are found in our area but are not really well known.
Probably the most beautiful of all the male Honeyeaters is the Scarlet Honeyeater pictured.
This photograph was taken on a property just outside of Rockhampton at Bouldercombe so it is certainly a resident here. A number of people who have seen my photos, had to ask what bird it was and if they were local. Obviously they are not so well known at all. The female has brown on her upper plumage, a small pinkish colour under the chin and beneath is off-white.
The Scarlet is the smallest of our honeyeaters at around 11cm in length, and is found along the eastern side of the Great Dividing Range from about Cairns southward. It is a very busy bird spending most of its time amongst the plants that are in flower.
Another Honeyeater of the coastal regions similar to the Scarlet above, is called Lewin’s Honeyeater.
This is a common bird here and I have been able to photograph it in our closest tree. It is about 20cm in length and has distinctive bright yellow patches, roughly shaped like a slim tear drop, on its face behind the beak. Its main upper body, wings and tail colour is a dark green while the top of its head is black.
Similar to the Lewin’s, though a little smaller in size, is the Yellow-spotted Honeyeater. Its yellow cheek patches are more rounded than the Lewin’s and its head is brownish. Because of the similarity, this bird is also known as the Lesser Lewin.
Although it is not listed this far south, I think I have seen one in our nearby tree.