Birds that keep out of the spotlight

While it is generally found in inland areas, the Spiny Cheeked Honeyeater has also been recorded in Rockhampton.

Today’s birds will cover some Honeyeaters that are not as well known as previous ones we have covered.

These are around us but keep away from human habitation or prefer to hide among the foliage.

The Spiny Cheeked Honeyeater (pictured) has lovely markings on its plumage and is found over most of Australia. It has been recorded close to Rockhampton, and it is well known in some coastal areas. However it does seem to be mainly a bird of the inland with its bigger numbers there.

It will fly out to catch flying insects as well as feed on nectar and some fruits.

The Fuscous Honeyeater lives in the coastal areas from about Townsville in the north, continuing down the coast and round into Victoria. I have seen the Fuscous on a few occasions but have never been close enough or had my camera with me to be able to try to get a good photo of it.

The Fuscous is not a colourful bird being dark brown on the upper back and wings and a lighter brown on most of the rest of its body. However, the Fuscous does have an interesting feature.

In the non-breeding season, this bird has a yellow ring around the eyes and yellow at the back of its beak. In breeding season, both of these body parts turn black.

Another Honeyeater that lives along our coastal areas, is known as the White-naped Honeyeater. When I first saw it, I could not decide which Honeyeater it was. The distinguishing feature that I found to differentiate it from other similar looking Honeyeaters was a red stripe around the top of its eyes. This bird is greenish coloured on the back, wings and tail. The under-feathers are white. The top of its head is black.