Historical trip to Rockhampton

Capricorn Coast Historical Society members Mary Bevis, Mary O'Brien and Nanette McLein at Archer Park Rail Museum on a previous visit. By Laura Lubans-Bates.

Capricorn Coast Historical Society is based in Yeppoon and members enjoy visiting sites of historical interest in the region.

Last year, there were bus trips to Mt Morgan, Mt Chalmers and Cockscomb Veterans Bush Retreat.

Members of the public are also welcome to join in with these bus trips, if space allows.

On Tuesday, 23 May, a day trip to Rockhampton is planned.

A bus will leave Yeppoon at 9am and return around 4pm. First stop is at the Archer Park Railway Museum which adjoins the CQ Military Museum.

Second stop is at the Rockhampton Heritage Village.

Cost depends on whether you choose to visit all three, or just two of the historical sites, and whether you would like to also book lunch at the Historical Village.

For more details of prices, etc, please contact Peter Cook on 0497 460 039, or email cchistsoc@yahoo.com.au

Bookings and payment are required by Friday, 5 May.