Wren is simply superb

Keith Ireland snapped this female Superb Blue Wren while on holidays in South Queensland.

While we were having a few days holidays in South Queensland, I noticed a few female Superb Blue Wrens busily moving around through a large grassy area nearby.

No male seemed to be in attendance or even in the proximity.

The male of this species has the lovely blue and black upper feathers while the female has an all over brown plumage.

What was of interest to me was the fact that one or more of the females were catching insects and flying away with them. I tried to follow as far as I could, but they went into a really thick large patch which was virtually inaccessible.

I went back to collect my camera and tripod and returned to set them up and wait.

I was there for over an hour before I had to leave as we were going to visit friends.

In that time, only once did a female land near me before getting lost in the undergrowth. I could hear other wrens and realised they must be entering from the other side where I couldn’t get to.

Next morning I went back again and spent another hour or so hearing but not seeing any of the birds. I had set myself a deadline as far as staying there went, as we had other plans for the rest of the day.

Departure time was getting close and I was thinking I wasn’t going to be successful when the male pictured, landed not far in front of me.

I took a few photos quickly before he flew into the vegetation and was out of sight in a flash.

This beautiful little fellow had made it a worthwhile day after all. I could happily pack up and head back to our accommodation.