Appreciate the little things

Jordie has co-authored a book.

A big heartfelt hello again to my dear CQ Today family!

I hope life and 2023 has been treating everyone beautifully. I have missed our chats dearly so I’ll be back on a fortnightly basis.

A lot has happened since we last spoke. I finished my Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Creative Writing and Criminal Justice at Griffith University.

It was a brilliant experience and the courses were so engaging and impactful.

Despite many moments of stress, I am grateful for the support of the school community, my family and dear friends.

My final year had become quite heavy so it is so nice to be on the other side of it and I have so much more time to

pour my heart back into my columns.

I was also recently lucky enough to get a chance to co-author a book and meet some majorly inspiring humans along the way.

These are some positive points that shone through some sad times but we will leave it at that for today.

While 2022 was littered with twists, turns, highs, lows, bumps and potholes, it helped me to appreciate the little things.

It gifted me with a whole new zest for life, a determination to set a fresh tone for this year.

2022 pushed me to breaking point on quite a few occasions but it also showed me how to hold onto positivity with all I have and

use it to push through.

Sounds cliché but cross my heart, it has really helped. I have decided that 2023 is going to be a ‘gap year’ of sorts for me to take a breather, let my hair down, cherish time with my loved ones and just enjoy the heck out of life.

I have a few little adventures planned and hope to weave some wonderful writing opportunities in the mix too.

With all that is currently happening in the world, I am oh so determined to drown out all that I have no control over and

focus all my energy on what I can.

Safe to say, my bucket list is brimming with all the things I want to work hard to achieve, all that I want to experience and learn.

There is something so liberating about sitting down to write out plans for the future and acknowledging what can be done

in the present moment to move towards accomplishing our wildest dreams or getting closer to going on that trip of a


It may be April already (I’m still in shock) but we still have so much of this year to reach goals, make memories and make it

our best one yet.

I am so excited to be back doing my columns and connecting with my incredible community.

I sincerely hope everyone has a lovely Easter break. Enjoy time with loved ones, time to relax and indulge in self-care, or living it up on an unforgettable adventure.

Happy Easter to all.

Sending love and we’ll talk again soon.