I am often asked if I have a favourite photo that I have taken. Actually I have quite a few. One of these is the photo of the female Jabiru coming in to land (pictured).
I have referred to this photo at some talks that I was making, and quite some years ago, used it in an article I was writing. I came across the photo again in my files recently and thought I would put it in this column for those who have not seen it before.
When my daughter bought herself a new camera, and wanted to try out the various features, we headed off to try it in the outdoors.
Pulling off to the side of a road, we had an excellent view across a lovely stretch of water as well as back across a paddock around which the road skirted the fence line. While we were there, we checked over her new ‘u-beaut’ camera. Glenda was having a good look at the birds both on the water and in the air.
Suddenly she called our attention to look up virtually above our heads. Gliding in a graceful circular pattern was a magnificent Jabiru. We both had our cameras up quickly and started photographing..
As the bird descended gradually, everything seemed to be falling into place for a chance at a great shot of it landing. I hit the shutter button as the feet went just above the ground, got the shot away as the illustration shows and then, a bright red four-wheel-drive drove directly along the road right behind the jabiru and all the way with her during her landing.
No matter how good the bird was looking, having a red vehicle as a prominent part of the background was the last thing a bird photographer would be wanting.