Taranganba State School’s mission is for every learner, every day, to have every opportunity to learn and grow in a culture where we are respectful, responsible and resilient.
As a school, we are committed to working with integrity and learning together to maximise our growth.
Our core focus on a strong start equips our youngest learners with the strategies to be successful readers through a systematic synthetic phonics approach.
Our teachers build strong foundations for our students in an inclusive learning environment.
Teachers are supported by a student services team, delivering high-quality learning opportunities for all students.
As experts in the delivery of the Australian Curriculum, and inclusive practices, we use authentic evidence-based teaching practices to meet the needs of all our students.
Restorative practices are a key focus to building strong classroom cultures that focus on student engagement, self-awareness, social awareness and self-management.
Taranganba offers a range of extra-curricular opportunities for students.
Our classroom music program, early entry music program – Tropi-toots, Strings and Band programs offer the highest quality music instruction on the Capricorn Coast.
Physical Education and health programs are delivered to our students, along with a range of school events and activities offered in partnership with external agencies through Sporting Schools and our partnership with Keppel Coast District Sports.
Our STEM lunchtime activities utilise our extensive resourcing to provide engaging and collaborative learning for our students.