Labor’s Budget

Member for Flynn Colin Boyce, Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry and Senator Matt Canavan.

Labor’s Budget was very disappointing for the lack of investment in Central Queensland.

Central Queensland has been a main contributor to the $4 billion surplus through the strength of our resources and agriculture sectors but in return Labor has cut and delayed investment into regional roads, services, and community projects.

In the 2021-22 financial year, the resources sector in Flynn and Capricornia returned $9 billion in royalties to the Queensland Government’s coffers.

Since the budget from last October, myself and my colleague Senator Matthew Canavan have campaigned for the Rockhampton Ring Road funding to be reinstated after Labor pulled the pin on the project.

The Rockhampton Ring Road is a much-needed infrastructure project that was fully funded prior to Labor entering Government.

Our community is crying out for critical infrastructure projects, and I am sick to death of Labor continuously overlooking Central Queensland.

Businesses and the people of Capricornia need confirmation that Labor will, like when we were in government, fund the Rockhampton Ring Road. Particularly as so many businesses have invested so much into being shovel ready to bring the Ring Road to life.

Labor is out of touch with what it takes to build the nation and bring further prosperity.

Central Queensland has been a main contributor to the $4 billion surplus through the strength of our resources and agriculture sectors but in return Labor has cut and delayed investment into regional roads, services, and community projects.

It appears that the Federal Labor Government are happy to strip critical funding from regional projects and pump the money into metropolitan areas.

Enough delays, the Federal Labor Government needs to stump up the funding for these critical projects.

It did not escape my notice that the Treasurer failed to mention the words roads, rail, dam, bridge, infrastructure, or agriculture in his speech.

He also failed to acknowledge the contribution made by the resources industry to the surplus they so proudly announced on Budget night.

On top of all that, when they did mention regional Australia, it was only to talk about the new tax farmers will have to pay for the biosecurity risk of international importers. This is senseless and it will be passed on to consumers, which sadly will mean even higher grocery bills for all Australians.

It beggars’ belief the Labor government would ask farmers to pay for the biosecurity costs of importers from other countries.

The Albanese government is also increasing the road user charge on truckies by six per cent, compounding each year, this will also add to grocery bills for families, because transport companies can’t absorb that cost.

Capricornia will bear the costs of further cuts to regional infrastructure.

Labor has abandoned water security projects worth $872.5 million and put a razor gang to the $120 billion infrastructure pipeline, putting all regional programs in doubt.

Have no doubt this Federal Labor Government does not care about Central Queensland, but you can be absolutely safe in the knowledge that as your Federal Member I most certainly do.