More than 800 local businesses are benefiting from a $104.8 million investment in the Rockhampton economy due to Rockhampton Regional Council’s local buy policy.
Mayor Tony Williams said this is an example of council’s commitment to small business and the local economy.
“This is rate payers money that’s going back into small businesses, more than 800 in total that apply for that funding to go across our region that’s from small things like catering right through to electrical services and construction materials,” he said.
“This policy gives local businesses a 12 per cent weighting for goods and services under $1 million and a minimum of five per cent weighting for greater than $1 million.”
Council said they believe in keeping this money local as a way to keep the local economy buoyant.
Each year the money contributed varies depending on the size of the projects and what council requires.
“The budget is built up on what we need to service, the ongoing services through FRW, civil operations and our parks operations as well,” Cr Williams said.
“A lot of this is replacement and the asset management plans that we work on all require businesses to be able to help council maintain those services that we provide.
“Council wants to see local businesses grow and thrive through ensuring there is support for Rockhampton jobs and industry through Council projects and services.”
Director of Denki Group Electrics Luke Stanke said he is really happy with the council supporting local businesses which helps Denki Group employ more locals and put more trainees on every year.
“We’ve done a few lighting projects with the council now, the tender process is hard, but with a bit of extra help with the criteria, it’s rewarding when you win a project,” he said.
Cr Grant Mathers said the program and funding is extremely important for the Rockhampton economy and businesses.
“The council is required to make sure the hard earned rate payers dollars are spent efficiently and effectively throughout the region,” Cr Mathers said.
The Annual Goods and Services Spend Analysis details Council’s 2022-23 local spend results including:
Excluding specialised significant projects, 73 per cent of spend within the Rockhampton region.
Ninety-seven per cent of total spend across plant and equipment hire, trade services and roadmaking materials within region.
Over $20 million spent on locally supplied materials and operators.
For those looking to supply goods or services to the Rockhampton council a local suppliers and contractors guide is available on Council’s website.
The guide provides a range of information to assist anyone who wishes to supply goods or service to Rockhampton Regional Council.
Tender opportunities are also listed regularly.
For more information visit: rockhamptonregion.qld.gov.au/ForBusiness/Tenders-and-Contracts/Suppliers-Guide.