Dear Mum,
I’m writing to you from the mayor’s office on the front line of the Livingstone Shire, the home of the Capricorn Coast.
I hope you are in good health.
Thankfully I have survived the first week of service in my new role as mayor of Livingstone.
What an honour afforded to me by the people, and I am determined to work with the newly elected councillors and staff to not let them down.
I also want to congratulate the former mayor Andrew Ireland for his service toward Livingstone and the success achieved under his leadership.
The councillors seem to be settling in really well and it’s great to have new faces amongst the experienced ones.
Rothery and Warcon will do a fine job with experienced councillors Mather and Eastwood guiding them and not to mention Watson and Friend, who will be invaluable with a term under their belt.
I truly believe in these people and already have seen so much potential in their approach to discussions about challenges and opportunities facing Livingstone in the near and distant future.
Some of these challenges council will be focusing on will be in response to the cost-of-living crisis which will mean more than ever the importance of affordable rates and lower water charges.
Also reviewing council policies around transparent and accountable decision making in the public interest and how to get Great Keppel Island (Woppa) moving forward with the sewerage treatment plant initially and much needed access on and off Island ie. jetty/barge ramp.
I must get going Mum as there is much work to do, many people to meet and there never seems enough light in the day to do so.