Australia’s most dangerous roads to travel

Country road is filled with potholes. Upgrades that have been made to improve safety have saved lives, but there is much more that needs to be done.

The Rockhampton Ring Road is not the only regional road project in Capricornia to be in doubt under the Albanese Labor Government.

There is also $3.6 billion of upgrades to the Bruce Highway. Of which, $2.9 billion was federally funded.

This stretch of highway remains one of Australia’s most dangerous to travel.

Last year, around three hundred people lost their lives on the Bruce Highway alone.

The upgrades that have been made to improve safety have saved lives, but there is much more that needs to be done.

Recently I visited the small country school of Clarke Creek, one student, no more than 11 years of age, asked me if I could help fix the country road, he is forced to travel on every day to and from school.

A road that is at times filled with potholes so enormous they cover half of each lane, making it virtually impossible to not hit.

Cutting essential regional road programs is sadly just another ludicrous decision from this Federal Labor Government.

These cuts to infrastructure slow our economic growth and hinder what is needed to tackle inflation.

But the major funding issue is, every time a project has its funding deferred and its delivery delayed by Labor, the cost of delivering the project goes up, and Australians are left paying the price through higher taxes.

But it is not just essential road programs that have faced the axe in the first year under this Federal Labor Government.

Programs, like the Building Better Regions Fund and Regional Development Program, were also cut with no alternative funding scheme.

Regional funding programs are vital for supporting rural and regional Australia through job creation, economic growth.

Capricornia benefited greatly from regionally focused funding programs to secure important facilities taken for granted in the cities.

Projects to benefit from these programs include $1.63 million for a new helicopter hangar for CQ Rescue. $160,000 for Palmyra Dragway’s track upgrades. $425,000 for the Collinsville QCWA’s new hall. Over $79,000 for new lighting for the Rockhampton’s AFL team’s home ground.

Unlike the former LNP government this Labor government treats regional Australia with disdain.

The question must be asked: Are the people of Central Queensland, better off as they were promised they would be by the Albanese Labor Government one year ago?

The answer is a resounding no.

Twelve months under this Federal Labor government, cost of living continues to go up.

Gas and electricity bills are skyrocketing, inflation remains stubbornly high, unemployment is sadly set to rise, and Australians will pay higher taxes.

What Australians need right now is a Federal Government who will create policies that will strengthen the economy, not hinder it through taxes.

A government who will support the hard-working middle class to prosper, not to create Australia’s new working poor.

But above all from our point of view here in Central Queensland, we need a government that can recognise the significance of regional Australia and the economy-driving industries which contribute greatly to the economy.

The Albanese Labor Government is not that government. Regional Australia will always be worse off under Labor because they just do not care.