Regional interests

Working together to bring tangible benefits to our region. Picture Supplied.

The halls of Parliament House can feel a long way from us here in Rockhampton, however there are times that highlight just how important decisions made in Canberra are for residents right here, and how critical it is that our voice is heard. The announcement of the Federal Budget last week is one of those times.

It is part of the work I do as Mayor to ensure that our region’s interests are heard at the federal level, and that we are positioned to leverage new opportunities that are announced.

Looking at this new budget I can see that it brings changes that will make an immediate difference to families in our community, and it also offers new avenues for economic development in our region.

Cost of living pressures are being felt by many across our community, which I was pleased to see the Government respond to. Childcare subsidies will benefit many working parents and carers, and the boost to Medicare aims to improve access to primary care.

I welcome comments made by members of the government confirming the budget includes funding for the Rockhampton Ring Road – a project that is supported by all sides and levels of government.

I’m also pleased to see the retention of programs that help us fund critical road infrastructure projects in our community, like the Black Spot Program, Roads to Recovery and Bridges Renewal Programs.

And there are new initiatives which will bring opportunities to our region. In this budget we have seen the announcement of a Regional Investment Framework to strategically guide regional investment, and the new Net Zero Authority aims to provide support for communities like ours as we transition to a low carbon economy. This is in addition to the announcement of the Growing Regions Program and the Regional Precincts and Partnerships program announced last year.

All of the above initiatives have the potential to bring new projects and investment if we can leverage them effectively, which will mean new jobs and more growth for our community.

The work we do in advocating for our region certainly doesn’t start or end with budget night. At the beginning of this year Council released an Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan, which establishes both a vision for our region’s economic future and a plan to get there. I have already spent time speaking with Ministers, Senators, MPs and Departments about our vision and the critical projects which will get us there. All of this work ensures that we will be ready to seize opportunities as they become available to partner with the Federal Government, and work together to bring tangible benefits to our region.